Carlos Long's profile

Texture Artist Portfolio and Work Reel

This texture art work reel includes the latest projects I was part of but it also contains older works.
This work reel was from 2013 but it still has some good material for a more comprehensive view of all my texture work.
This work reel contains work that came out quite some time ago but I like to include it in the website so as to compile as much of my texture work for viewing!
This was an animatic for the video game Fable. It had it's debut at the 2012 E3 convention.  I was working for "The Box" a department of Rhythm & Hues.
This is a 3D Model I made using Zbrush and textured in Mari it was submitted as a concept for the feature film: "King Kong"
This is a personal project that is a work in progress but I really love the Submariner so I wanted to take a stab at my personal vision of the Marvel Superhero! I used Mudbox and Photoshop.
This is a 2D textural concept for the "Manticore" a half lion half scorpion mythical creature from the feature film:
"Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters".  I used Photoshop and Painter to paint over Zbrush Model.
This is the Zbrush sculpt used as a base for the textural concept study.
This is the finished 2D textural concept study for the creature / environment "Charybdis" from the feature film:
"Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters".  I used Photoshop and Painter to paint over the Zbrush sculpt base.
Zbrush sculpt used as a base for textural concept study paint over.
This was an early texture concept for the "Bony Lizzy" creature from the upcoming feature film : "Seventh Son" This was a head texture study.  I was instructed to be whimsical and think of different possible image sources to imitate the original concept art.  I used many unlikely sources such as, drift wood and beef jerky for the bony head plates and beak also used lion fish scales for the side flaps.
In this image we can see how far this creature evolved from the fast lose early stages to the fully developed.  Unfortunately I was put on another assignment and the final was done by another artist, but you can still see how some of the ideas survived the wholw process!
This is the wing section of the "Bony Lizzy" creature from "Seventh Son".  This creature was a very challenging project because the producers and director asked for what seemed interminable versions and there was a lot of structural changes to the over all look and feel of this monster.  Initially this creature was once an owl and it morphed all the way to become a bird like dragon of sorts!  They wanted the creature to live up to it's Bony monicher, yet it had to be very light to be nimble in flight! My Art Director and I broke down every last pore of this wing.  It was a tricky blend of scale like feathers or was it feather like scales? I never really figured it out!!! Those scale feathers blended into a thin web of bat like wing but were framed by hard porous like bones.
In this version my supervisor asked me to concentrate on the alignment and positioning of the scales into rows of "nail like" texture that were slightly based on rattle snake scales, but were conjoined by semi flexible "cartilage like webs in between the scales! The surface on the wing itself was like thin Gila monster scales.  At one point I was asked to design four to five versions of the single scale types.  I'm not sure where these studies ended up but that is how much detail was considered for this creature!
I was handed down another artists' art work of Bony Lizzy from "Sevent Son", that did not yet include my ideas for the scales and flaps so I painted them in on a separate layer for comparison purposes.  Other artists were asked to do the same thing!  We wanted to make sure we had lots of choices for review!
This was yet another artist artwork integrating the scales and flaps for Bony Lizzy from "Seventh Son"
Red Planet Robot AMEE textures as applied onto 3D Model
Red Planet Robot AMEE Detail textures as applied onto 3D Model
This is a bedroom concept for the feature film "Minority Report".  I began to draw simple layout concepts and then I did simple Maya models of the room and furniture and then I applied some 3D textures.  I made an image capture and finished off the rest of the detail with 2D textures in photoshop.
This is a detail of the bathroom for "Minority Report", most of the content was 3D models generated in Maya with 3D textures and then took a 2D snapshot and painted in extra detail in photoshop.
This is a still from the feature film "Lost Souls".  I was provided with a clean plate from production and it was a pretty clean well kept bathroom image.  I began to add 2D texture layers of rust, grime, dirt, cracks, peeled paint, broken tiles etc. in photoshop. These layers were organized and given to the compositor who in turn animated the layers in sequence to create the haunting of the bathroom.
This is a partial CG environment modeled and textured in Maya.  I did not make the 3D models but I did texture the bark and rocks in Maya and the rest of the foliage was projected onto the shot with 2D textures. Water was a fluid effect but I did not generate this effect.
This is a partial CG environment modeled and textured in Maya.  I did not make the 3D models but I did texture the bark and rocks in Maya and the rest of the foliage was projected onto the shot with 2D textures. Water was a fluid effect but I did not generate this effect.
This is a partial CG environment modeled and textured in Maya.  I did not make the 3D models but I did texture the bark and rocks in Maya and the rest of the foliage was projected onto the shot with 2D textures.
This is the wide establishing shot to Disney's "Christmas Carol" as Scrooge falls back down toward the ground we see night time London and the Thames River.  This was a hand painted 2D texture projected onto a 3D image plane.
 This is the 2nd stage of proximity shot to Disney's "Christmas Carol" as Scrooge falls back down toward the ground we see night time London and the Thames River.  This was a hand painted 2D texture projected onto a 3D image plane.
 This is the 3nd stage of proximity shot to Disney's "Christmas Carol" as Scrooge falls back down toward the ground we see night time London and the Thames River.  This was a hand painted 2D texture projected onto a 3D image plane.
 This is the final stage of proximity shot to Disney's "Christmas Carol" as Scrooge falls back down toward the ground we see night time London and the Thames River.  This was a hand painted 2D texture projected onto a 3D image plane.On this shot I used Maya and Sketch Up integrated with the painted composition to really bring out more detail.
This "fall sequence" was used in the movie trailer!
This is a still from the feature film "JFK" and it is a full cg shot! I created the textures for the jet fighter and the textures for the landscape below, which is suppossed to represent the island of Cuba.  This was the Cuban missle crisis scene.
This is the  2D texture that I painted in photoshop which was projected onto a 3D mesh and baked in to the shot above.  It was using real topography of the island of Cuba for the feature film "JFK".
This was a plate from production and hand painted 2D texture using Photoshop and Painter IX. It was used as a matte painting for "Where the Wild Things Are".
This was a plate from production and hand painted 2D texture using Photoshop and Painter IX. It was used as a matte painting for "Where the Wild Things Are".
This was a plate from production and hand painted 2D texture using Photoshop and Painter IX. It was used as a matte painting for "Where the Wild Things Are".
This was a plate from production and hand painted 2D texture using Photoshop and Painter IX. It was used as a matte painting for "Where the Wild Things Are".
These were early texture studies for early deck weaponry components for the Zodangan Air Ship for Disney's "John Carter of Mars".
This is an early texture study for early deck weaponry components for the Zodangan Air Ship for Disney's "John Carter of Mars".
This is an early texture study for early deck weaponry components for the Zodangan Air Ship for Disney's "John Carter of Mars".This is the "Captain's Chair">
This is a texture test for how the super hero Dare Devil "sees" through walls although blind!
The submarine is a 3D asset that was given to me and textured using C4D BodyPaint
This is the "Maggi Castle" from the feature film "Nativity Story" it is a 3D Model with 3D textures applied using Maya and Photoshop.
This is a 3D model I made for the feature film "Nativity Story" and I used Maya and Photoshop.  It is The Temple on the Mount of Biblical tradition and it was based on the real architectural plans believed to have been used by the original in Jerusalem!  It is pain stakingly accurate in dimensions and detail.
This is a composite still of the Temple of Jerusalem in context with it's surrounding architecture.  It is a full CG set and it was widely used for many shots in the feature film "Nativity Story" I was only responsible for the Temple model and the temple textures.  Other artists contributed to the rest of the buildings.
Detail textures for the chamber of the "Holiest of Hollies" as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the chamber of the "Holiest of Hollies" as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the Temple Wall as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the Temple Wall as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the Temple Wall as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".Detail textures for the Temple Wall as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the Pillar as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
Detail textures for the Temple Outer Wall as applied to the 3D model.  "Nativity Story".
A mix of 3D architecture in the foreground with 3D textures applied comped in with the plate from production and a matte painting in the background. This was for the "Rome" HBO mini series
This is a composite shot using 3D modeled architecture in the foreground and middleground with 3D textures applied and a 2D matte in the background. This was for the "Rome" HBO mini series
The asphalt and dirt road  are a 3D mesh with 3D textures applied and baked on to the asset. The backgound is mostly a plate from production exept for a few tress close to the edge of the road.  This image is a still from the feature film:
"Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift"
The asphalt and dirt road  are a 3D mesh with 3D textures applied and baked on to the asset. The backgound is mostly a plate from production exept for a few tress close to the edge of the road.  This image is a still from the feature film:
"Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift"
The asphalt and dirt road  are a 3D mesh with 3D textures applied and baked on to the asset. The backgound is mostly a plate from production exept for a few tress close to the edge of the road.  This image is a still from the feature film:
"Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift"
The shot shown here is mostly plate info except the cliff part which is a 3D meshwith textures applied and baked in.  This image is a still from the feature film: "Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift"
The tarmac is a 3D mesh with a texture I painted and applied.  The doors and mountains in BG were from the production plate.  The sky was a matte painting with animatable clouds.  This was for an Expedia commercial when I was working for Method Studios.
The tarmac is a 3D mesh with a texture I painted and applied.  The mountains in BG were from the production plate.  The sky was a matte painting with animatable clouds.  This was for an Expedia commercial when I was working for Method Studios.
The tarmac is a 3D mesh with a texture I painted and applied.  The mountains in BG and the man in the midground were from the production plate.  The sky was a matte painting with animatable clouds.  This was for an Expedia commercial when I was working for Method Studios.
The tarmac is a 3D mesh with a texture I painted and applied.  The suitcase is a 3D asset I modeled and textured using Illustrator Photoshop and Maya. The mountains in BG were from the production plate.  The sky was a matte painting with animatable clouds.  This was for an Expedia commercial when I was working for Method Studios.
This is a 3D model I made for Valhalla video game of a mech droid with out the textures.
This is a 3D model I made for Valhalla video game of a mech droid with  the 3D textures applied.
This is the Humvee vehicle concept modeled in Maya and textured using C4D Body Paint.  It was for the Valhalla video game!
This is a concept for a retro futuristic version of "Combat" and it is a WWII inspired hover vehicle it was modeled in Maya and textured in C4D Body Paint.
This is a Harrier fighter jet that I modeled and textured using Maya and photoshop for a friend who works at the Aereo Space Museum in Balboa Park in San Diego CA.  It was used for a video display at the museum, which demonstrates the Harrier's vertical take off and landing capabilities.
This is a full cg shot of the 2008 Beijing Olympics a Coca Cola commercial.  I did not model the scene but I did texture it.
Below are the meshes I was handed down from the 3D modeler.
This is one of the  meshes I was handed down from the 3D modeler.  It's called "The Bird Nest".  Used for Psyops' commercial of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
This is one of the  meshes I was handed down from the 3D modeler.  Used for Psyops' commercial of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
This was a partial cg set that I constructed for a Fram Motor Oil commercial for Method Studios.  The Floor, the metal railing and the boxes were all 3D meshes without 3D textures applied and baked in.  The ceiling is a matte painting.
This was a partial cg set that I constructed for a Fram Motor Oil commercial for Method Studios.  The Floor, the metal railing and the boxes were all 3D meshes with 3D textures applied and baked in.  The ceiling is a matte painting.
This is a full cg set that I constructed for a Fram Motor Oil commercial for Method Studios.  The Floor, the metal railing and the boxes were all 3D meshes with 3D textures applied and baked in. 
Texture Artist Portfolio and Work Reel

Texture Artist Portfolio and Work Reel

Work Reel for texture art and a collection of 3D and 2D textures
